Signature Feature

26 July, 2018 23:29:38
Topics: 1
Messages: 5
I tried everything to make the Signature Feature work
i tried Image with [529 size='Keep Dimension']
and i tried [529 size='full']
the only thing that works is when i type the signature
oh i disabled the Ajax and everything
still not working
please advice
27 July, 2018 03:38:05
Topics: 2
Messages: 69
If [529] is a Formidable Signature Field, then it will work in E2Pdf using the "Image" object under the PDF Builder tab.

Confirm you are using the Image object and enter [529 size='full'] in the "Value" field under the Image object properties tab.

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27 July, 2018 12:33:11
Topics: 1
Messages: 5
529 is formidable field and value is [529 Size='full'] under image object value in the image proprties and still not working
27 July, 2018 12:52:40
Topics: 7
Messages: 3377
Try to create new Template with "Auto PDF" option, activate it and export entry with this new template.

If "Signature" still will not be working, please, complete this form with wordpress access, and ftp details (if possible) so we can investigate the issue.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
27 July, 2018 16:13:41
Topics: 1
Messages: 5
This is from formidable docs about signiture field hope this helps
Display the submitted electronic signature image in a form's confirmation message, email, or View. Just insert [x], where x is the ID or key of the signature field.

To show the image URL alone without the img HTML, use [x use_html=0].
27 July, 2018 16:14:48
Topics: 1
Messages: 5
Can th A be inserted in the value
27 July, 2018 18:36:07
Topics: 7
Messages: 3377
Check out please last update (0.01.58). Issue must be fixed. Your code is correct: [529 size='full']

Please let us know if you are still facing the issue.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
27 July, 2018 21:11:25
Topics: 1
Messages: 5
I have to say Fantastic plugin A+++++++++
strongly recommended to wordpress users
great fast customer service
glade i made business with you
Thank you