Submission ID

Forminator Forms
22 September, 2021 02:53:44
Topics: 1
Messages: 5
I tried {submission_id} but then I only get this name in the name on the PDF: {submission_id}-testform-Name.pdf. Is there something I need to set in order to get the forminator submission_id in the filename of the PDF?
22 September, 2021 04:11:23
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Can you please attach screenshot how and where did you add {submission_id}?
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
22 September, 2021 04:50:44
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Unfortunately Forminator doesn't render {submission_id} to the entry id inside "Success Message", so currently the only way is to place value under "PDF Name" directly inside E2Pdf Template or move "e2pdf-save" shortcode to mail message where {submission_id} supported.

P.S. If you will add value to "PDF Name", it must be removed "name" attribute from shortcode as it will overwrite it by default.

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22 September, 2021 04:54:09
Topics: 1
Messages: 5
Thanks I will try. Is this same for {entry_id}?
22 September, 2021 05:09:17
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
It must be used {submission_id} - to get Entry ID for Forminator Entry.

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22 September, 2021 05:10:24
Topics: 1
Messages: 5
Thanks! it works just fine now. Have a nice day
22 September, 2021 07:45:12
Topics: 1
Messages: 5
Can you please tell us on how to make this same procedure work on gravity forms? As now in gavity the same {submission_id} displays now in emails send. Where do we set {submission_id} for attachments and save shortcodes?
22 September, 2021 08:24:25
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Gravity Forms has different syntax: it must be used {entry_id} instead of {submission_id}.

E2pdf trying to use native forms syntax so:
If E2Pdf Template connected with Forminator - it must be used Forminator Merge Tags syntax
If E2Pdf Template connected with Gravity Forms - it must be used Gravity Forms Merge Tags syntax
If E2Pdf Template connected with Formidable Forms - it must be used Formidable Forms syntax.

and so on...

There are some common shortcodes which can be used among all templates but in most cases they are designed to change output:

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