tags are not removed in email attachment

10 September, 2018 06:20:14
Topics: 4
Messages: 10
I have a Formidable paragraph field mapped to a PDF field. It is mapped like this - [x wpautop=0]
It works correctly if PDF is generated online ("This is a sample comment").
But when the same PDF is generated as email attachment, tags are not removed. ("This is a sample comment")
I'm not sure it is a Formidable forms issue or issue with e2pdf. Could you help?

Thank you
10 September, 2018 06:58:53
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

As I understand your result wrapped with "p" tag inside email attachment? Do you have any wrappers around [x wpautop=0]? Check please if you have same Template ID inside "attachment" and "download" shortcode.

Unfortunately we could not replicate the issue, if possible can you please complete this form so we can check the issue.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
10 September, 2018 12:56:05
Topics: 4
Messages: 10
I tried everything but couldn't figure it out. I will share my details in the link you mentioned above.

Thank you
10 September, 2018 15:11:29
Topics: 2
Messages: 69
Make sure the Formidable Email Action's option "Send Emails in Plain Text" is not checked.

We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
11 September, 2018 05:09:31
Topics: 4
Messages: 10
Thanks for the excellent support.
"wpautop=0" is not fired because there is a Formidable API add-on Form action on the same form. I'm going to report this issue to Formidable forms. In the meantime, I fixed it using [e2pdf-format-output filter='strip_tags'][378][/e2pdf-format-output]