Download key

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4 September, 2021 19:34:45
Topics: 2
Messages: 10

I want to create save button for the PDF, I tried this code: [e2pdf-download id="1"] it works but not in a good way, the problem is when using ios devices, the download file is not saved on the device, after it download it open in the explorer and there is no way to save it.

I need another button that allows me to save that file on the device storage, I tried this code: [e2pdf-attachment id="1"] and this code [e2pdf-save id="1"], but when I add the shortcode on the elelemtor page, they show nothing... the only code that shows download is [e2pdf-download id="1"] but as I said it is not working as needed.

any help would be appreciated.
4 September, 2021 22:26:29
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

Unfortunately this is default behavior of opening PDFs on iOS devices (iPhone/iPad) and we currently do not have working solution to bypass this restriction and force download popup.

PDF always will be opened in browser and to save it must be used "Share" button on iOS devices...

P.S. [e2pdf-attachment] shortcode will work only inside mail actions of 3rd party supported form plugins, which will generate PDF and will attach to email.

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4 September, 2021 22:47:09
Topics: 2
Messages: 10
I really appreciate your efforts, you are amazing,
Do you mean if I added this code [e2pdf-attachment] it should send an email? if yes, how to specify an email from a meta key and choose the post ID? I mean how should the code look like?

Thanks and big hugs
5 September, 2021 01:23:03
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419
Unfortunately no, it will not work with WordPress extension and item set to Page, Post or Custom Post type.

It will work only with Formidable Forms, Caldera Forms, Gravity Forms or Divi contact forms as by default WordPress doesn't have email control functionality and EPdf doesn't yet have built-in email functionality. We have this point in Todo list, but not yet ETA when it will be implemented.

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8 September, 2021 08:42:32
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

Here is a code snippet for "WP User Frontend" plugin which will send mail to user after post created with PDF attachment:

It must be added to functions.php or as PHP Snippet.

You need to replace 282 inside "e2pdf-attachment" shortcode to your E2Pdf Template and adjust "Subject" and "Message Content" if needed.

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8 September, 2021 23:20:31
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

It will be need to use [e2pdf-save] shortcode inside created "hook". PDF name must be unique to avoid overwriting. As about "appraisal_no_" - it will not work as you are using it as PHP value but it seems stored in other way (it can be saved as "post meta" which must be retrieved via WordPress get meta function) or it can be inside $meta_vars.

Unfortunately further modification we can do only as paid support request as it will require to login and make changes directly on your side. We charge $120 per hour (min 1 hour). Changes must not take more than 1 hour. If it's okay for you, you can submit support ticket with access details to WP Admin and FTP here: and include also details how you want PDF to be saved (dir / name) or as alternative hire WordPress PHP developer to make needed changes to hook.

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