setting explanation

7 January, 2019 09:01:40
strutture energia
Topics: 6
Messages: 16
Hi Sirs,

I have some question about the some of the setting.

What is the meaning of:

1-Line Height (position: setting box in the bottom left corner when editing a template);
2- Generate appearance (position: setting box in the bottom left corner when editing a template);
3- Compression (position: setting box in the bottom left corner when editing a template);
4- Z-index (position: properties windows of a field);
5- Comb (position: properties windows of a field);
6- RTL (position: properties windows of a field);

In addition,
a- why sometimes the field shortcode ends with a ":1" (es. [my_field_key:1]?
b- is it possible to make an auto field map like in pro2pdf plugin?

I know they are a lot of questions; if you have a detailed documentation, I would be happy to read it.

Thanks a lot
7 January, 2019 09:24:35
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

1) Line Height - it's global Line-Height for all "e2pdf-html" objects.

2) Generate appearance - is setting to make PDF looking like same on most common PDF viewers (Line-height, spacing between letters, etc). If not set - PDF view will be controlled by PDF viewer and it can be different depending on PDF viewer.

3) Compression - is the compression of PDF - this setting can help make PDF smaller.

4) Z-index - it's setting to make some elements on front of another element. Like priority in rendering. For example if you need to add image and over image it must be link. Link must have bigger Z-index (if it was created before "e2pdf-image") to avoid situation when "e2pdf-image" can cover the link.

5) Comb - is setting to make field "Combination of characters". If "Length" is defined and "Comb" is checked, field will have strict length and value will be splitted to all width of "field".

6) RTL - Right to Left. It's needed for some languages.

a) field_id:1 - means first entry of "Repeatable" field. If you will use field_id:2 - it will be second entry of "Repeatable" field, and so on. So it used to render values from repeatable fields.
b) If you will name your "Fields" like fields "names" or "keys" most of fields must be auto mapped among PDF upload process and creating Template.

Unfortunately all available documentation located here and here for Formidable Forms at this moment. We expect to update it in nearest time and include there more explanations to options and properties that is available with plugin. Our apologizes for delay with updating.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
7 January, 2019 09:32:56
strutture energia
Topics: 6
Messages: 16

thanks for your kind reply. I got it.

Have a nice day!