WooCommerce Cart Data PDF Generator
Order data will be available only if the order exists in the context.
- Can be used in templates that are connected to:
Inner Shortcodes #
WC Price #
Global attribute to format number with a currency symbol.
Cart Data #
- Get Cart HTML. Must be used inside HTML Object:
image_size - Product Image Size.
show_products - Include Products Table.
show_image - Include Product Image.
show_sku - Include Product SKU.
show_name - Include Product Names.
show_quantity - Include Product Quantity.
show_price - Include Product Price.
show_subtotal - Include Product Subtotal Price.
show_meta - Include Product Meta.
show_totals - Include Cart Total.
show_totals_subtotal - Include Cart Subtotal.
show_totals_coupons - Include Cart Total Coupons.
show_totals_shipping - Include Cart Total Shipping.
show_totals_shipping_destination - Include Cart Total Shipping Destination.
show_totals_shipping_package - Include Cart Total Shipping Package.
show_totals_fees - Include Cart Total Fees.
show_totals_taxes - Include Cart Total Taxes.
show_totals_total - Include Cart Total.
- Cart Products:
- Applied Coupons:
- Cart Total:
Cart Subtotal:
- Cart Tax:
- Cart Hash:
- Cart Contents Total:
- Cart Contents Tax:
- Cart Contents Taxes:
- Cart Contents Count:
- Cart Contents Weight:
- Cart Item Quantities:
- Cart Item Tax Classes:
- Cart Item Tax Classes For Shipping:
- Cart Shipping Total:
- Coupon Discount Totals:
- Coupon Discount Tax Totals:
- Totals:
- Total Tax:
- Total Ex Tax:
- Total Discount:
- Subtotal:
- Subtotal Tax:
- Discount Total:
- Discount Tax:
- Shipping Total:
- Shipping Tax:
- Shipping Taxes:
- Fees:
- Fee Total:
- Fee Tax:
- Fee Taxes:
- Displayed Subtotal:
- Tax Price Display Mode:
- Taxes:
- Taxes Total:
output - modify output.
Multiple values can be searched and replaced by using "|" separator:
- Taxes Total:
- Taxes Total:
Post Data #
Cart Page Post Data #
- ID:
- Author:
- Author ID:
- Date:
- Date (GMT):
- Get Post Content:
Get Post Content with frontend "actions" and "filters":
Get Post Content with backend "actions" and "filters":
- Title:
- Excerpt:
- Status:
- Comment Status:
- Ping Status:
- Password:
- Name:
- To Ping:
- Ping:
- Modified Date:
- Modified Date (GMT):
- Filtered Content:
- Parent ID:
- Menu Order:
- Type:
- Mime Type:
- Comments Count:
- Filter:
- Post Thumbnail:
- Post Thumbnail URL:
- Permalink:
- Post Permalink:
Cart Page Post Meta #
Cart Page Meta Value:
Cart Page Meta Value converted from the attachment id to the attachment url:
Cart Page Meta Value converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url:
Cart Page Meta Value converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url with the specified size:
- Default Image sizes: thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large, full
Get single value from the comma separated value:
Value 1, Value 2, Value 3
Get comma separated value from the indexed array:
a:2:{i:0;s:7:"Value 1";i:1;s:7:"Value 2";}
Get single value from the indexed array:
a:2:{i:0;s:7:"Value 1";i:1;s:7:"Value 2";}
Get single value from the multidimensional array:
a:2:{i:0;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 1";}i:1;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 2";}}
Cart Page Post Terms #
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy:
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy names:
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy names as comma separated value:
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy by Order ID:
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy by Dynamic Order ID:
- [e2pdf-wc-cart key="metakey2" meta="true"] must output Order ID
- All additional [e2pdf-wc-cart] shortcodes inside same field / element must be closed as [e2pdf-wc-cart key="ID"][/e2pdf-wc-cart]
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy converted from the attachment id to the attachment url:
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url:
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url with the specified size:
- Default Image sizes: thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large, full
Convert serialized value a:3:{i:0;s:2:"v1";i:1;s:2:"v2";i:2;s:2:"v3";} to the comma separated value:
Output single value from the serialized multidimensional array a:2:{i:0;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 1";}i:1;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 2";}}:
- Will output value from array(0 => name)
Order Item Meta #
Cart Page Item Meta Keys:
Customer Data #
- Taxable Address:
- Is Vat Exempt:
- Is Vat Exempt:
- Has Calculated Shipping:
- Calculated Shipping:
- Avatar Url:
- Username:
- Email:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Display Name:
- Role:
- Date Created:
- Date Modified:
- Billing:
- Billing First Name:
- Billing Last Name:
- Billing Company:
- Billing Address:
- Billing Address 1:
- Billing Address 2:
- Billing City:
- Billing State:
- Billing Postcode:
- Billing Email:
- Billing Phone:
- Shipping:
- Shipping First Name:
- Shipping Last Name:
- Shipping Company:
- Shipping Address:
- Shipping Address 1:
- Shipping Address 2:
- Shipping City:
- Shipping State:
- Shipping Postcode:
- Shipping Country:
- Is Paying Customer:
- Formatted Shipping Address:
- Formatted Billing Address:
Product Data #
Additional #
- Can be used as shortcode attribute: [shortcode id="[e2pdf-dataset]"]
Inner Helper Shortcodes #
[e2pdf-foreach] #
Shortcode is used to iterate over order data.
Cart Products:
Cart Totals:
exclude - exclude from the output.
Multiple values can be searched and replaced by using "," separator:
- subtotal
- coupons
- shipping
- shipping_destination
- shipping_package
- fees
- taxes
- total
[e2pdf-user] #
Shortcode is used to get User Data/User Meta Data. The shortcode can be used inside E2Pdf Templates.
Shortcode is applied to modify the number output of the shortcode or field slug.
Format the Number Output:
Shortcode is applied to is applied to modify the date output of the shortcode or field slug.
Shortcode is applied to modify the output of the shortcode or field slug.
Global Shortcodes #
E2Pdf Template connected to
WooCommerce ->
Cart can be assigned via