WooCommerce Cart Data PDF Generator
Order data will be available only if the order exists in the context.
- Can be used in templates that are connected to:
- WooCommerce -> Cart
Inner Shortcodes #
WC Price #
- Global attribute to format number with a currency symbol.
Cart Data #
- Get Cart HTML. Must be used inside HTML Object:
- image_size - Product Image Size.
- show_products - Include Products Table.
- show_image - Include Product Image.
- show_sku - Include Product SKU.
- show_name - Include Product Names.
- show_quantity - Include Product Quantity.
- show_price - Include Product Price.
- show_subtotal - Include Product Subtotal Price.
- show_meta - Include Product Meta.
- show_totals - Include Cart Total.
- show_totals_subtotal - Include Cart Subtotal.
- show_totals_coupons - Include Cart Total Coupons.
- show_totals_shipping - Include Cart Total Shipping.
- show_totals_shipping_destination - Include Cart Total Shipping Destination.
- show_totals_shipping_package - Include Cart Total Shipping Package.
- show_totals_fees - Include Cart Total Fees.
- show_totals_taxes - Include Cart Total Taxes.
- show_totals_total - Include Cart Total.
- Cart Products:
- Applied Coupons:
- Cart Total:
Cart Subtotal:
output - modify output.
- compound
output - modify output.
- Cart Tax:
- Cart Hash:
- Cart Contents Total:
- Cart Contents Tax:
- Cart Contents Taxes:
- Cart Contents Count:
- Cart Contents Weight:
- Cart Item Quantities:
- Cart Item Tax Classes:
- Cart Item Tax Classes For Shipping:
- Cart Shipping Total:
- Coupon Discount Totals:
- Coupon Discount Tax Totals:
- Totals:
output - modify output.
- edit
output - modify output.
- Total Tax:
- Total Ex Tax:
- Total Discount:
- Subtotal:
- Subtotal Tax:
- Discount Total:
- Discount Tax:
- Shipping Total:
- Shipping Tax:
- Shipping Taxes:
- Fees:
- Fee Total:
- Fee Tax:
- Fee Taxes:
- Displayed Subtotal:
- Tax Price Display Mode:
- Taxes:
- Taxes Total:
output - modify output.
Multiple values can be searched and replaced by using "|" separator:
- nocompound
- nodisplay
output - modify output.
Multiple values can be searched and replaced by using "|" separator:
- Taxes Total:
- Taxes Total:
- Get Cart HTML. Must be used inside HTML Object:
Post Data #
Cart Page Post Data #
- ID:
- Author:
- Author ID:
- Date:
- Date (GMT):
- Get Post Content:
- Get Post Content with frontend "actions" and "filters":
- Get Post Content with backend "actions" and "filters":
- Title:
- Excerpt:
- Status:
- Comment Status:
- Ping Status:
- Password:
- Name:
- To Ping:
- Ping:
- Modified Date:
- Modified Date (GMT):
- Filtered Content:
- Parent ID:
- Menu Order:
- Type:
- Mime Type:
- Comments Count:
- Filter:
- Post Thumbnail:
- Post Thumbnail URL:
- Permalink:
- Post Permalink:
Cart Page Post Meta #
- Cart Page Meta Value:
- Cart Page Meta Value converted from the attachment id to the attachment url:
- Cart Page Meta Value converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url:
Cart Page Meta Value converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url with the specified size:
- Default Image sizes: thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large, full
Get single value from the comma separated value:
Value 1, Value 2, Value 3
- 1st value:
- 2nd value:
Get comma separated value from the indexed array:
a:2:{i:0;s:7:"Value 1";i:1;s:7:"Value 2";}
Get single value from the indexed array:
a:2:{i:0;s:7:"Value 1";i:1;s:7:"Value 2";}
- Will output value from array(0)
- To unserialize the array for the structure it can be used: https://www.unserialize.com/
Get single value from the multidimensional array:
a:2:{i:0;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 1";}i:1;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 2";}}
- Will output value from array(0 => name)
- To unserialize the array for the structure it can be used: https://www.unserialize.com/
Cart Page Post Terms #
- Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy:
- Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy names:
- Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy names as comma separated value:
- Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy by Order ID:
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy by Dynamic Order ID:
- [e2pdf-wc-cart key="metakey2" meta="true"] must output Order ID
- All additional [e2pdf-wc-cart] shortcodes inside same field / element must be closed as [e2pdf-wc-cart key="ID"][/e2pdf-wc-cart]
- Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy converted from the attachment id to the attachment url:
- Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url:
Get the Terms in a given Taxonomy converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url with the specified size:
- Default Image sizes: thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large, full
- Convert serialized value a:3:{i:0;s:2:"v1";i:1;s:2:"v2";i:2;s:2:"v3";} to the comma separated value:
Output single value from the serialized multidimensional array a:2:{i:0;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 1";}i:1;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 2";}}:
- Will output value from array(0 => name)
Order Item Meta #
- Cart Page Item Meta Keys:
Customer Data #
- Taxable Address:
- Is Vat Exempt:
- Is Vat Exempt:
- Has Calculated Shipping:
- Calculated Shipping:
- Avatar Url:
- Username:
- Email:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Display Name:
- Role:
- Date Created:
- Date Modified:
- Billing:
- Billing First Name:
- Billing Last Name:
- Billing Company:
- Billing Address:
- Billing Address 1:
- Billing Address 2:
- Billing City:
- Billing State:
- Billing Postcode:
- Billing Email:
- Billing Phone:
- Shipping:
- Shipping First Name:
- Shipping Last Name:
- Shipping Company:
- Shipping Address:
- Shipping Address 1:
- Shipping Address 2:
- Shipping City:
- Shipping State:
- Shipping Postcode:
- Shipping Country:
- Is Paying Customer:
- Formatted Shipping Address:
- Formatted Billing Address:
Product Data #
- Get Product Data by Index in the Cart:
- index - is the index of the purchased product in the Cart.
- https://e2pdf/com/docs/extensions/woocommerce/product
- Get Product Data by Index in the Cart:
Additional #
- Can be used as shortcode attribute: [shortcode id="[e2pdf-dataset]"]
Inner Helper Shortcodes #
[e2pdf-foreach] #
Shortcode is used to iterate over order data.
- Cart Products:
Cart Totals:
exclude - exclude from the output.
Multiple values can be searched and replaced by using "," separator:
- subtotal
- coupons
- shipping
- shipping_destination
- shipping_package
- fees
- taxes
- total
exclude - exclude from the output.
Multiple values can be searched and replaced by using "," separator:
[e2pdf-user] #
Shortcode is used to get User Data/User Meta Data. The shortcode can be used inside E2Pdf Templates. Read More ››
- Get User Data:
[e2pdf-format-number] #
Shortcode is applied to modify the number output of the shortcode or field slug. Read More ››
- Format the Number Output:
[e2pdf-format-date] #
Shortcode is applied to is applied to modify the date output of the shortcode or field slug. Read More ››
- Format the Date Output:
[e2pdf-format-output] #
Shortcode is applied to modify the output of the shortcode or field slug. Read More ››
- Format the Output:
Global Shortcodes #
E2Pdf Template connected to WooCommerce -> Cart can be assigned via Settings. Read More ››