Activate & Deactivate
Each E2Pdf Template must be activated to make it active.
The number of E2Pdf Templates that can be activated is depending on the E2Pdf License Key plan.
The "FREE" version of E2Pdf allows having just 1 E2Pdf Template.
Activation / Deactivation can be done by clicking on the activation "status".
Plugin #
Basic Activation / Deactivation #
From E2Pdf -> Templates:
Directly from E2Pdf Template Builder:
Deactivate All Templates #
In some cases, it can happen that the activated E2Pdf Template was removed and was not deactivated correctly. This can cause E2Pdf Template can't be found at "E2Pdf" -> "Templates". In this case, E2Pdf Templates can be deactivated:
- 1. Go to "E2Pdf" -> "License" and click "Deactivate Templates".
2. Activate required E2Pdf Templates at "E2Pdf" -> "Templates
Dashboard #
It's possible to deactivate templates from the Dashboard if website has paid License Key or it was added to Dashboard -> Sites. See how to Add?