
A shortcode wrapper is applied to modify the output of the shortcode or field slug.

Basic Attributes #

  • Shortcode splits string to boundaries by "," separator and outputs split string value by index:
    • explode - Separator to split the string.
    • output - Index: {0}, {1}, {2}, ..., to output.

    Shortcode splits string to boundaries by "," separator and outputs merged string with "-":
    • explode - Separator to split the string.
    • implode - Separator to merge the string.
  • Case-sensative search and replace the string: Multiple values can be searched and replaced by using "|||" separator:
    • search - String to search.
    • replace - String to replace to.
  • Case-insensative search and replace the string: Multiple values can be searched and replaced by using "|||" separator:
    • search - String to search.
    • ireplace - String to replace to.
  • Returns part of a string by Length: Returns part of a string by Start,Length:
    • substr - Start, Length
  • Returns a formatted string via sprintf:
    • sprintf - Format of the sprintf.
  • Apply filter to the string: Apply filter to the the each seaparted string exploded by separator: Apply multiple filters to the string. It will keep the order of filters added to the "filter" attribute:
    • filter - filters that will be applied to the string. Available filters that can be used with "filter" attribute listed below:

      • trim - Strips spaces from the start and end of the string.
      • rtrim - Strips spaces from the end of the string.
      • ltrim - Strips spaces from the start of the string.

      • ucfirst - Returns a string with the first character of string capitalized.
      • strtoupper - Returns string with all characters converted to uppercase.
      • strtolower - Returns string characters converted to lowercase.

      • lines - Removes empty lines.
      • nl2br - Converts new lines to <br>.
      • wpautop - Replaces double line breaks with paragraph elements.
      • normalize_whitespace - Normalizes new lines and strips duplicate whitespace.

      • strip_tags - Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string.
      • sanitize_title - Converts characters to ASCII characters and further limits the output to alphanumeric characters, underscore (_) and dash (-).
      • htmlentities - Converts all applicable characters to HTML entities
      • html_entity_decode - Converts HTML entities in the string to their corresponding characters.

      • replace - Defines the order of the replace filter. "search" and "replace" additional attributes are required.
      • ireplace - Defines the order of the ireplace filter. "search" and "ireplace" additional attributes are required.

      • substr - Defines the order of the substr filter. "substr" additional attribute is required.
      • sprintf - Defines the order of the sprintf filter. "sprintf" additional attribute is required.