
Get User Data/User Meta Data. Shortcode can be used inside E2Pdf Templates.

User ID #

    • Set shortcode User ID to the User ID at the moment of PDF URL generation:
      • id - is not set.

    • Set shortcode User ID to the pre-defined User ID:
      • id - is set to the User ID.

    • Set shortcode User ID ALWAYS to the User ID at the moment of PDF viewing:
      • id - is set to current.

    • Set shortcode User ID to the dynamic User ID:
      • id - is set to dynamic.

      [e2pdf-wp key="metakey" meta="true"] must output User ID.
      All additional [e2pdf-user] shortcodes inside the same field / element must be closed as [e2pdf-user key="ID"][/e2pdf-user].

User Data #

    • User ID:
    • User Description:
    • User First Name:
    • User Last Name:
    • User Login:
    • User Nicename:
    • User Email:
    • User URL:
    • User Registrated Time:
    • User Display Name:
    • User Roles:
    • User Custom Key:

User Meta #

    • User Meta Value:
    • User Meta Value converted from the attachment id to the attachment url:
    • User Meta Value converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url:
    • User Meta Value converted from the attachment id to the image attachment url with the specified size:
      • Default Image sizes: thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large, full

    • Single value from the comma separated value:
      Value 1, Value 2, Value 3

    • Comma separated value from the indexed array:
      a:2:{i:0;s:7:"Value 1";i:1;s:7:"Value 2";}
    • Single value from the indexed array:
      a:2:{i:0;s:7:"Value 1";i:1;s:7:"Value 2";}

    • Single value from the multidimensional array:
      a:2:{i:0;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 1";}i:1;a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"Value 2";}}